About Us

Hi! Thank you so much for visiting this page and wanting to learn more about us!
You will notice that the terms "we" and "us" are used an awful lot both on our website and social media. So let us introduce ourselves!

So this is us... Lakes Wax & Co! Or individually known as Olivia and Tyler.
We are a small business run from the heart of the Lake District. We started this journey in December 2019 from our kitchen at home but we slowly and surely outgrew the space and began having to clamber over boxes to move around the house! 
Whilst I (Olivia) am the "official" business owner and do the making, pouring and social media, Tyler is the postage and packaging guy! He’s the one who packages up our wax melts and your orders and gets them out to you as quickly as possible! Along with the occasional helping hand from my mum! 
After we outgrew our space from home and spent every spare hour making melts and packing orders, I (Olivia) decided to give up her full time job and pursue this crazy journey full time! We then made the scary decision to move our business out of our home environment, this was such a scary process especially due to the crazy year 2020 was! But wow was this a decision we grew to be happy we made.
We have expanded so much since our move and we hope to continue to do so!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read our story!
Olivia & Tyler x